
CHAPTER 1 – (Part 2)

Your Agent –v- The Adjust

Many Americans have Insurance Agents that they feel warmly towards, and may even feel a bond of friendship with their Agent. Agents generally present themselves to the Insured in a friendly and professional manner, which builds a bond of thrust between the two individuals. In small townships it is quite conceivable that such bonds of friendship are indeed genuine; the members of their families may enjoy mutual ties and associations. But for the most part, throughout our nation, no matter how friendly the Agent, the truth remains that the relationship is that of buyer to seller, and little more.

What you must understand is that Insurance Agents are Company Sales Representatives who make his or her living on a commission, and that commission comes from selling you Insurance, comes out of your monthly Premium payments. Point of fact: Your Agent has been trained to present themselves to you in this manner. That is not to say that all Agents are phony’s; no. I have met many Agents who are truly forthright people who genuinely care about the people they serve. Point here is that your Agent’s job is to sell you Insurance; their job is not servicing the Policy in your time of loss and need.

Generally speaking, Agents have no authority or even input into the claims handling process. It is true that some Insurance Company’s, primarily the larger Company’s, give their Agents a limited scope of authority to handle claims and issue settlement checks. However, their authority for handling claims extends only to small losses, and is limited to a dollar amount of loss, commonly not to exceed $2500.oo.
I have met many Insured’s who have received such settlements from their Agent’s who thought their Agent could help them with large storm related losses. But this is never the case. --- As an Adjuster doing everything allowable to help the Insured, I have had Agents that were trying to make themselves look like the hero in the eyes of their customers by trying to get me to pay for things that were not damaged by the event, or that are not covered by the Policy. But this highly inappropriate approach never bears fruit for the Insured. The work of the Adjuster is to service a binding contract. Even if the Adjuster did try to pay out money for illegitimate items, the Adjusters files are examined by Supervisors, photographs are taken and studied. In the end, all the Agent who has forced him or her self onto the claims process has accomplished is to make the Insured mad, and make a good Adjuster look like the bad guy.

When a claim has been assigned to an Adjuster, that Adjuster holds controlling authority over your claim until such time as the Adjuster has turned your claim file back in to the Company for processing.
When you have a claim that has been assigned to an Adjuster, my advice is that you work closely, patiently and courteously with that Adjuster throughout the process. Most all Adjusters are stressed out, overworked, and worn out from being on the receiving end of every conceivable manner of abuse. (The stories I could tell). By being pleasant and courteous with your Adjuster, you are in fact helping them help you.

If in the end you are not satisfied with the final outcome of how the Adjuster has handled your claim, or with the claim settlement, you do have recourse, which I will discuss at length in a proceeding Chapter.


CHAPTER 1 – (Part 1)

The Truth Will Set You Free

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of Americans I’ve handled claims for were not in possession of a thorough enough knowledge of what their Policies do and do not cover. Before I obtained my Adjusters License I had been a salesman for a large Roofing Contractor, and I had been involved in the completion of a lot of hail storm related roof replacements throughout my home state of Texas during that time. Throughout those years I had occasion to come upon a relatively large number of people who hadn’t been treated with proper consideration by their Insurance Adjusters. And being an Insured man myself, learning of this really made me angry.

While in the Roofing Business, I had opportunity to help scores of Homeowners get what they had coming to them by negotiating with their Adjuster, which ultimately led me to pursue a career as an Adjuster who looked after the better good of the people. My approach and governing motive to handling claims was simply this:
What if these people were my family? How would I want them to be treated? And treated every Insured and every claim I handled accordingly.

The reason even highly educated people do not know their Policy well is due in large part to the well known fact that they are difficult to read and comprehend. In all truth, the standard Homeowners Policy makes for a horribly boring and confusing read. For this reason, most Homeowners have never read their Policy at all. And many more still actually go through life believing that everything and anything that could ever possibly come to damage their property is covered, and are often of the mind that even the most thorough and caring Adjuster is cheating them when they’re told:
Sorry, no Coverage.


Why I Am Doing This For You

I’ve worked many and varied kinds of property damaging events; everything from violent straight-line windstorms, to ice and snow storms, to Hail Storms that have battered homes and businesses with hail the size of Grapefruits; and I’ve lived and worked amongst the devastation, debris and foulness of a dozen tornado and flood producing Hurricanes, including Hurricane’s Fran and Katrina.

For over twenty five years I had engaged myself in giving aid to the destitute, addicted and homeless out of both my own home and resources. Relative to my natural inclination to help people in need, I took great pride and pleasure in working closely with each Insured whose claim I handled, explaining their Policy to them in plain English in order to help them take full advantage of their Policy’s Coverage’s so they could get the most out of their Policy.

In the course of time that I’d spent out in those places of destruction, it had been suggested to me on numerous occasions by scores of people, both that I should write a book and that I should have a Radio Talk Show providing this plain English help to the public at large. Now in pursuit of a new career as a Writer and Director of feature Films, I have yet to find the time to write a book; and though I had actually received an offer from a Radio Producer in 2005, the notion of being a Radio Talk Show Host is out of the question.

Yet, with my lingering desire to help Americans recover from the destruction and personal loss brought on by the damaging storms that hit somewhere in the United States every year, I decided to launch this Blog to provide the same information free of charge that would have otherwise resided in a book. The added benefit to providing this information in a Blog, is that I can release the information piecemeal, and do not have to hold back any portion of it throughout the writing process.


Please do not skip over this or any other section. Every word provided for you has been designed to aid you in:

  1. Gaining a thorough knowledge of your Homeowners Policy in plain English, so you will know without question, what is and what is not covered under your Policy;
  2. Give you the knowledge you need to negotiate a favorable claims settlement with your Insurance Adjuster; and,
  3. Provide you with the tools you need for just recourse if your Adjuster fails to deliver a fair settlement.